The Faithful Can Witness to the Power of God’s Love by Supporting the Poor and Vulnerable During Lent

WASHINGTON – “As Catholics in a global Church, we witness to the power of God’s love through our presence and assistance to those who are vulnerable,” said Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace. Bishop Zaidan encouraged the faithful to remember the vulnerable around the world who are struggling for survival: 

“This Lent, poor families around the world are struggling to access the basic necessities which they need in order to survive. Right now, children are at risk of acute malnutrition, pregnant mothers are not receiving essential care at critical moments during pregnancy, and efforts to prevent deadly diseases like measles, polio, and pneumonia are paused. Yet we know that each child who is hungry and each mother and father who struggle to care for their family is precious in the eyes of God and is a neighbor in need of our loving care.  

“As Catholics in a global Church, we witness to the power of God’s love through our presence and assistance to those who are vulnerable. The Church’s witness is lived out through the work of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), which is the official overseas relief and development agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and a member of Caritas Internationalis. This Lent, Catholics can participate in CRS Rice Bowl, and The Catholic Relief Services Collection, which benefits CRS and other efforts by the Church to help those in need. The work of CRS helps the Church live out Christ’s call to love our neighbors—without exception—whether next door or across the globe.  

“As we approach the season of Lent, let us respond to the invitation of Pope Francis, champion of the poor, for whose speedy recovery we continue to pray. Inspired by his call to be ‘neighbors without borders’ (Fratelli tutti, no. 80), may we pray, fast, abstain, and give alms, that all who are precious in God’s eyes may have what they need to not only survive, but also thrive.” 


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