WASHINGTON – “Since the launch of Walking with Moms in Need, Catholics in dioceses and parishes across the country have put the Gospel of Life into action,” said Bishop Daniel E. Thomas, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
Bishop Thomas offered the following update for the 5th anniversary of Walking with Moms in Need:
“This year, beginning on March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, we celebrate both the thirtieth anniversary of Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life), St. John Paul II’s pro-life encyclical, and the fifth anniversary of Walking with Moms in Need, which was inspired by that landmark encyclical.
“Since the launch of Walking with Moms in Need, Catholics in dioceses and parishes across the country have put the Gospel of Life into action, uniting in a shared mission to surround pregnant and parenting mothers in need with loving support and personal accompaniment. Heroic volunteers have stepped forward to make our parishes places where a mother can be connected with meaningful resources and assistance and, most importantly, know that she and her baby are not alone.
“The Annunciation reminds us that our Lord Jesus came to earth as a vulnerable child in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Catholic faith calls us to value every mother and child in the name of Christ. Our faith compels us to be active, making the needs of others our own. Every parish has something unique that God is calling them to contribute to the Church’s efforts to transform our society into a culture of life and civilization of love.
“Please join me in praying that Walking with Moms in Need will continue to become embedded in the very fabric of every parish and diocese as a natural expression of Jesus’s call to serve the most vulnerable. May every mother know that she can turn to her local Catholic parish for help in her time of need.”
Bishop Thomas’ video reflection may be found here. Please visit walkingwithmoms.com to find out how your parish can walk with moms in need in your community.
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